Android Development

Centraal Beheer

My Role
Android Developer
Jul '18 - Nov '21
Centraal Beheer is a Dutch insurance company based in Apeldoorn, Netherlands. It is part of the Achmea group, one of the largest insurance groups in the Netherlands. Centraal Beheer is well-known for its distinctive and often humorous advertising campaigns. The company provides a range of insurance products and services, including car insurance, home insurance, liability insurance, and other types of coverage for individuals and businesses.

I contributed to adding various features in the Centraal Beheer Android app, such as options for reporting damage, checking insurances, and making modifications. I was also involved in the overall development of other features in the Centraal Beheer App. Our work at Centraal Beheer followed the Scrum methodology, with two-week sprints that began with planning and ended with a reflective session.

We made an effort to keep up with the latest in Android development at Centraal Beheer, holding regular tech sessions to share knowledge and explore new technologies. We used different techniques like dependency injection with Dagger, Livedata, Room, and RxKotlin. I actively participated in exploring new technologies like Jetpack Compose and Kotlin Coroutines.

When I joined Centraal Beheer, the app was entirely written in Java, and there was no plan to switch to Kotlin. With another developer, we created a plan to introduce Kotlin and started implementing new features using it. I also conducted sessions to help other Android developers on our team get comfortable with Kotlin. Currently, almost the entire app is written in Kotlin, and it's the primary language for new code.

I advocated for using UI tests with Espresso, in addition to unit tests, to ensure comprehensive test coverage. At Centraal Beheer, I played a significant role in establishing the foundation for these UI tests. Presently, there are hundreds of test cases covered by these tests, contributing to the reliability of the application.